Today is the last day of the IT fair, which is also equivilant to the last day of my temporary job at the IT fair (Now I'll wait for Haagen Dazs to call me) and also, I'll be flying to Australia tomorrow night (Spell H-E-L-L-Y-E-A-H!)
Working at the IT fair made me stereotype people. Argh, this is bad, and I don't wish to stereotype people, but, you know ... ... things happen. Well, I'm sure I got to know nice people as well, and the nice people are usually people working at the other booths, cause they know of our sufferings as well. LOL....
"Hey, you need a chair? I took the chair back cause some bugger bring the chair all over the hall and I had to chase them for it."
Even though the job was pretty though with really odd eating hours (Our 4pm lunch with no dinner) I felt reallyreally accomplished after the IT fair was over. It was as though my life was completed (Ok, exaggeration!)
Jiayi and Debbie made more friends from Citibank! Lol.
And here I am, sneezing like crap here and to think I'm flying tomorrow night. Got to get rid of the damn flu and slight fever before the flight. I don't want it to ruin my trip.