Don't Think You're More Than This Or Above All This
Stayed back in school to revise on our Chemistry and Felicia, Jiayi and I have thought of funny ways to remember the solublity of salts.
"Ok, so for Chlorides, its ... Lead (II) and Silver thats insoluble right? Hmm ... Its 'L' and 'S' ..."
"How about 'We cannot Lau-Sai in the swimming pool?' Its Chloride and swimming pool has lots of Chlorine"
"Ok ... Then what about the Test for the Anion, Carbonate?"
"Just remember your stomach has lots of Hydrochloric Acid and you fart, thus causing effervescence ... But actually the real fart's Methane, not Carbon Dioxide"
"Ok, we remember crude things better"
Oh, whatever. We're just trying all ways to cram things into our brains now.
Perv Squad. Bill Icon #98, #99, #100 and #101
(Note that these are just Icons, not Images / Wallpapers. Oh, Shana just sent me another!)
Oh dear, I forgot to take our own Monsoon Photoshoot. Must remember to take it tomorrow.
& You're just saving your ego.