Thursday 18 September 2008

5 random shit

Are we weird or are the others weirder?

1) Irene screamed when she found a jumping maggot in her dictionary. She kept it there until the end of school and when she decided to throw the maggot out of the window but her dictionary fell out as well.
"Someone call Michael Phelps here! Hes long arms should be able to reach the dictionary"
2) Shana was angry with a vegetable seller / fishmonger for making some insensitive remarks.
3) Felicia's encounter with a (fat) lesbian in her tuition yesterday.
4) Shana's secret crush on Trace Cyrus is now known to everyone in 4E3.


5) I was thinking of getting rubber tubes extensions for my hair.

Love this band ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

Yeahhhhhhhhhm Angelspit.

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