Saturday 3 May 2008


Are we wasting time or is it wasting us?
Self-confession. I am the one who's wasting time and I've seriously got to buck-up for my Science subjects which I've been failing since last year.
I remember studying the hell out of myself for my Chemistry Paper last year and ended up with 48 marks. Well, that is 2 bloody marks from the passing mark, and the most upsetting thing was that - I did not study for my Physics but I ended up scoring 48 marks as well.

They say that teenagers scare the living shit out of me.

Oh, and the weather's getting hotter & more humid these few days. I swear, I'd wake up in the middle of the night, sweating. Man, is it global warming or is it normal for the weather to turn hotter every May? Alright ... To think of it, maybe it's not that bad. Who knows one might lose weight from all that sweating.

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