Friday 19 October 2007

Haji Lane!

你去跟那个女的拍照啦! (Points to me) What a weirdo, I'm not Ronald Macdonald or some mascot, alright?

Today, Eileen, Shana, Felicia and Germaine went to Haji Lane to see the House of Japan, but sadly, IT WASN'T OPENED! But whatever, that place is interesting, the boutiques there are soo exquisite. Like, oh-my-goodness! Its like a little heaven inside the shops, cosy and all. The streets are so photogenic too, I shall post the pics at the end. We keep standing in the middle of the road to take photo, which is so HELL DANGEROUS! Cars might just zoom in and knock me down!

We went into this gothic shop at Haji Lane, and the shop owner is a middle aged aunty, who is dressed in gothic from top to toe. She claims that she has seen me before, even though, I haven't see her in my whole life ... But, she is SO HOSPITABLE, that she seemed scary. But the clothes there are nice! (I think its quite expensive too. I'M IN LOVE WITH THE GOTHIC SHOES WITH BLACK PLATFORM SOLES! Im going back there!)

And I keep seeing this chef with curly hair, EWW! He keeps appearing everywhere we go, its scary and he HAS CURLY HAIR, gosh.

I told you the streets are photogenic!

Almost every shop has murals outside their shop. Hmm, Publicity, 100%

There is this cat in one of the shops.

The vintage shop, with all the vintage clothes. OOH!

It looks like items my mother used to play.

Dont seperate us! I LOVE HER! Posing in the vintage shop.

Not looking at the camera!

I'm trying to imitate some guy from the sixties.

Felicia and Shana!

Eileen's pouting in this photo!

Kissing Shana!

I look petrified & Eileen looks retarded.

I added in the speech bubbles myself, so its not what they said.


Shana, another weirdy!

Wartin, Warts.

After going to Haji Lane, we went to This Fashion, and Eileen, Shana and I picked out some REALLY VINTAGE AND RETRO dresses to try, HOHO! It was such a happy day!

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