Friday, 29 February 2008

Slit Your Throat

Today's a Leap Year Day (In case you didn't notice, today's 29th February)

Today was a happy-weird day. Many weird things happened, like some really random and funny conversations I had with my friends.
"GERARD WAY KISS ME, BABY!" Shana double-dared me to say that during My Chemical Romance's next concert in Singapore (If they'd come again) Well, I will. If she sponsers me to the concert. Well, you owe me MCR concert tickets, Shana.

This is Gerard Way, if you don't know who it is, hes MCR's frontman.
Source :

In full view of Gerard Way's opened mouth. Ooh, his hair's white and his eyebrows are black.
Source :

I don't know why but some pictures of Mikey Way reminds me of ... Brendon Urie.
Source :

Oh-ew. Im digging up old photos.

I wouldn't mind "The Only Difference Between Martyrdom and Suicide is Press Coverage" is stuck in my head for 1 whole week, because I just realise something far worse. The Horlick advertisement song's stuck in my head. "HOhoho"
Wouldn't know a good thing if it came up and slit your throat.

Shana and Felicia and some others know about this. So, shush! Its a secret. Heee.

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